Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Depression and Empathy That Contributed to His Humanity
"In 1959, three years after beginning his public life, King felt depleted: ‘What I have been doing is giving, giving, giving, and not stopping to retreat and meditate like I should—to come back. If the situation is not changed, I will be a physical and psychological wreck. I have to reorganize my personality and reorient my life. I have been too long in the crowd, too long in the forest.”
"A Queen Was Born"
2023 NCJ: I AM the MAP
For the Black community, the impact of centuries of unaddressed trauma still manifests today. And while part of that is undoubtedly due to ongoing social injustice, some of the effects might be inherited. Being Black in America means living with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), caused not only by one's experiences but also by our ancestors' experiences.
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